Investigate Workload Trend of Cropped Subprocess

Celonis Activity record is good to investigate user workload, so you may already implement analysis to do this. Today I would like to crop activities to minimum subprocess then investigate workload against subprocess. Today’s output image is below. I set filter button of company code, also set three buttons to point out activities to crop subprocess pass through these activities. Right side Process Explorer is to check subprocess, in this case it is starting from ‘Approve Credit Check’ until ‘Cancel Order’ via ‘Deny Credit Check’. [Read More]

Create Additional Entry to Button Dropdown

I looked at the Celopeers post that had issue when variable input is blank (NULL) then PQL using this variable had error. I already used work around below to skip FILTER execution if variable is null. But I also felt troublesome in two points. First is this is not officially documented so myself need to instruct to my colleagues. Second is more important, I would like to unfilter this selection if variable is not set, but there was no way to do it. [Read More]

Categorize and Name Activity

In the previous post Transform Source System Tables to Minimize Data Model Tables, I recommended to convert some kind of source system tables to Activity. Today I focus on Activity and would like to share my way how to categorize and name Activity. First point is to split Activity name to two parts, more general part and detail part. For example, in SAP ECC or S4HANA Order to Cash process, general Activity name is Create Sales Order when data committed in VA01 transaction. [Read More]

Customize Process Explorer

Process explorer in Celonis Analysis is default application to analyze process. First you can see main process pattern (called happy path), count of each step (activity) and count of path between two steps (connection). You can show minor activities and connections, or switch throughput time instead of count of connection. I think there are two ways to customize Process explorer. Change activity name Add more KPI against activity / connection Change activity name If you want to add detail information to each activity, you can change activity dimension. [Read More]