Use Webhook to Integrate Skill with Action Flow

Email from Celonis EMS Until last post Aggregate Bundles to Minimize Notification, first Action Flow scenario is developed as draft. Today I would like to improve notification part of scenario. Few days after I started scenario, I found that Sent box in my email account is unnecessarily increased due to notification I developed. That is because I used my email account to send it. If this is personal development that is fine, but if it is official one and in some time later you will leave your position, this email account is not available. [Read More]

Aggregate Bundles to Minimize Notification

Integrate cancel operation bundles to one In the last Manage Bundles in between Action Flow Modules I successfully automated Data Job cancel operation. To do this, I used Iterator module to split one bundle of Data Pool to multiple bundles of Data Jobs, and filtered bundles to specify running Data Jobs. In the end, bundles of running Data Jobs are selected and cancelled. Continued from last post, goal of today is to notify result of automated operation by email (my Gmail), because I can not check automated operation is done correctly at midnight based on initial scenario. [Read More]

Manage Bundles in between Action Flow Modules

Convert array to bundles by Iterator module At last post Run first Action Flow Scenario I created HTTP request module to check data job status. Based on the scenario, today I would like to create next module to cancel running data jobs. Because next module is also HTTP request, it is convenient to clone last module and modify something. I right click the last module, then select Clone menu, then new module is generated and connected with previous module. [Read More]

Run first Action Flow Scenario

Action Flow as HTTP client From today I would like to introduce Action Flow, that is possible to automate scenario and integrate SaaS systems (also on-premise too). You may know that 100 over SaaS systems are registered in Action Flow and easily build your own scenario. Great, but I sometimes felt that I could not find appropriate module from that. How do I fullfill my requirement ? Actually Action Flow can be used HTTP client, so what I did by cURL at last post Operate Celonis from outside by REST API is also possible in Action Flow. [Read More]

Start Deep Dive to Machine Learning and Action Flow

Until last post, I have seen the flow of process discovery through Celonis Process Analytics (or Studio Analysis) and prerequisite ETL (Extraction, Transformation, Load) by Data Integration. I already worked in multiple static process mining projects and found that they are enough functions for static process mining. And other process mining solutions are provided these functions too. By the way, referring to Process Mining Data Science in Action by Wil van der Aalst, Process Mining can also make it possible for further actions such as monitoring and predictive analysis. [Read More]