Manage Bundles in between Action Flow Modules

Convert array to bundles by Iterator module

At last post Run first Action Flow Scenario I created HTTP request module to check data job status. Based on the scenario, today I would like to create next module to cancel running data jobs.

Because next module is also HTTP request, it is convenient to clone last module and modify something. I right click the last module, then select Clone menu, then new module is generated and connected with previous module. In the next module, I will change below two points based on cURL result of Operate Celonis from outside by REST API.

  • URL : {{5.pool_url}}/jobs/{job_id}/cancel
  • Method : POST

By the way, to set each {job_id} in cancel module, unfortunately current direct connection between HTTP request is not enough (currently only first data job can be chosen). I will click gear icon in left lower corner and select Iterator. Then drag this module between two HTTP request modules as below screen. At last I will set Data[] of previous module to Array.


After doing this, HTTP cancel request can select data job id that is split in Iterator module.


To confirm that point I can run once and confirm cancel request is operated 3 times (same as number of data jobs).


Filter data job bundles by their status

Even current scenario is enough for achieving my purpose, but I found that I do not need to post request to all jobs, so it is better to post cancel request to only running jobs.

To do this, I will focus on the connection between Iterator and cancel request. I will click spanner button and select Setup up a filter menu.

At filter setup, I create condition that status column in Iterator module is equal to RUNNING as below.


I am ready for testing. I will run data job and immediately run scenario to cancel it. The only running job is passed to cancel request and successfully finished (honestly I tried some times to prevent timeout of cancel request, you will set timeout column to 1 second.)


In action flow scenario, managing bundles like today is important but not documented in anywhere so I would like to document this today.


See also