Unite SQL statements by CASE Expression

Until Split Long SQL Using Views post I created four activities and each SQLs, and I found three of four have same table join pattern. So I created VIEW to shorten JOIN predicate for each SQL. It is nice to shorten total statement volume but almost all statement except for JOIN predicate is duplicated among SQLs. When something change is required, maintenance of each SQLs is annoying work. Today I would like to integrate SQLs using CASE expression.

Remember that three activities Close Issue, Take Note and Update Progress are based on issues table and tmp_pl_journals view including journals and journals$details tables. Difference is how to filter tmp_pl_journals record by its columns (name, new_value and notes).

First step to extract shared pattern like below. <activity name> and <sorting number> are dummy for explanation.

-- 1st draft, only SELECT statement --
     i.id AS _CASE_KEY
    ,'journals' AS _ACTIVITY_MAIN_TABLE -- which table I mainly get event log 
    ,j.id||':'||j.name AS _ACTIVITY_KEY -- ID to find record of journals and journals$details
    ,'<activity name>' AS ACTIVITY_EN 
    ,j.created_on AS EVENTTIME
    ,'<sorting number>' AS _SORTING
    ,j."user$id" AS changed_by
    ,j.name AS changed_attr             -- changed column name
    ,j.old_value AS changed_from        -- changed from value
    ,j.new_value AS changed_to          -- changed to value
FROM issues AS i
JOIN tmp_pl_journals AS j ON 1=1
    AND i.id = j."issues$id"

Second step is to replace dummy with CASE expression based on difference between activities.

-- 2nd draft, only replacing part --
        WHEN j.name = 'status_id' AND j.new_value = 8 THEN 'Close Issue'
        WHEN j.notes IS NOT NULL THEN 'Take Note'
        WHEN j.name = 'done_ratio' THEN 'Update Progress'
    ,j.created_on AS EVENTTIME
        WHEN j.name = 'status_id' AND j.new_value = 8 THEN 1000 --'Close Issue'
        WHEN j.notes IS NOT NULL THEN 200 -- 'Take Note'
        WHEN j.name = 'done_ratio' THEN 500 -- 'Update Progress'

Finally filter tmp_pl_journals record in WHERE clause to match above three cases by OR condition. Add INSERT statement and become final version.

-- final version --
INSERT INTO _cel_pl_activities (
     i.id AS _CASE_KEY
    ,'journals' AS _ACTIVITY_MAIN_TABLE
    ,j.id||':'||COALESCE(j.name, 'notes') AS _ACTIVITY_KEY
        WHEN j.name = 'status_id' AND j.new_value = 8 THEN 'Close Issue'
        WHEN j.notes IS NOT NULL THEN 'Take Note'
        WHEN j.name = 'done_ratio' THEN 'Update Progress'
    ,j.created_on AS EVENTTIME
        WHEN j.name = 'status_id' AND j.new_value = 8 THEN 1000 --'Close Issue'
        WHEN j.notes IS NOT NULL THEN 200 -- 'Take Note'
        WHEN j.name = 'done_ratio' THEN 500 -- 'Update Progress'
    ,j."user$id" AS changed_by
    ,j.name AS changed_attr
    ,j.old_value AS changed_from
    ,j.new_value AS changed_to
FROM issues AS i
JOIN tmp_pl_journals AS j ON 1=1
    AND i.id = j."issues$id"
WHERE  (j.name = 'status_id' AND j.new_value = 8)
    OR j.notes IS NOT NULL
    OR j.name = 'done_ratio'

Comparing with single Close Issue statement in Compose Activity from Joining Multiple Tables, this version is similar lines. So this version including three activities shortens one third SQL lines.

By the way WHERE clause seems complex due to OR condition. Alternatively I can do INSERT statement without WHERE clause, then later DELETE record of which CASE expression returns NULL.

Below screen shows result without WHERE clause. Third record returns NULL in ACTIVITY_EN column because this is not matched with all cases. Delete record is done simply by DELETE FROM _cel_pl_activities WHERE ACTIVITY_EN IS NULL;



See also