Split Long SQL Using Views

At last post I wrote Compose Activity from Joining Multiple Tables to create second activity Close Issue. Final version of SQL statement was long even I just used three tables. In real process mining project I handled hundred of tables and wrote quite long SQLs. At that time I faced same patterns of SQL in multiple activities. So I introduces VIEW in my SQLs for grouping same pattern of SELECT SQL, similar to create function (method) in programming. I would like to try it using current project.

Going back to my goal 2) How many users are involved until closing issue written in Determine Process Mining Tables based on Project Goal, I would like to create few activities in the middle of on-going issues. For example I would like to add Take Note and Update Progress activities those are relevant to second and third updates in below screen.


Because these are Planio issue changes appending to change history (journals), necessary fields for activity record are same as Close Issue but filtering conditons are different. So I executed Delta Load and see the data by transformation. I found Update Progress is similar to Close Issue pattern, changing from status_id to done_ratio in the filter condition of "journals$details".name. On the other hand Take Note does not have "journals$details" record but journals.notes column is filled by what I wrote in Planio.

Until above observation, I feel there is pattern to join journals and journals$details. Considering Take Note (no journals$details record) case, it is better to use LEFT JOIN than JOIN. So I write below SQL to create tmp_pl_journals VIEW.

CREATE VIEW tmp_pl_journals AS
     j.id AS id
    ,j.notes AS notes
    ,j.created_on AS created_on
    ,j."issues$id" AS "issues$id"
    ,j."user$id" AS "user$id"
    ,d.name AS name
    ,d.old_value AS old_value
    ,d.new_value AS new_value
FROM journals AS j
LEFT JOIN "journals$details" AS d ON 1=1
    AND j.id = d.journals_id

Using view tmp_pl_journals skips to write JOIN between journals and journals$details. In case of Close Issue, final version SQL of last post is changed to,

-- only SELECT statement --
     i.id AS _CASE_KEY
    ,'journals' AS _ACTIVITY_MAIN_TABLE -- which table I mainly get event log 
    ,j.id||':'||j.name AS _ACTIVITY_KEY -- ID to find record of journals and journals$details
    ,'Close Issue' AS ACTIVITY_EN 
    ,j.created_on AS EVENTTIME
    ,1000 AS _SORTING
    ,j."user$id" AS changed_by
    ,j.name AS changed_attr             -- changed column name
    ,j.old_value AS changed_from        -- changed from value
    ,j.new_value AS changed_to          -- changed to value
FROM issues AS i
JOIN tmp_pl_journals AS j ON 1=1
    AND i.id = j."issues$id"
    AND j.name = 'status_id'
    AND j.new_value = 8

Compared with previous version, JOIN statement is shortened and I feel it is effective. This Planio JOIN key is one column, but in SAP tables at least two columns (one is always client number) so it is much effective.

By the way, in case of Take Note, the SQL is

-- only WHERE clause --
    AND j.notes IS NOT NULL

In case of Update Progress,

-- only WHERE clause --
    AND j.name = 'done_ratio'

I can successfully crop tmp_pl_journals part as VIEW and split long SQL, and reuse this VIEW for another SQL of activities. But still there are three separate SQLs of Close Issue, Take Note, and Update Progress. In the next post I would like to integrate three SQLs to one using CASE expression.


See also