Setup Dependent Endpoint in Extractor Builder

In the last post Configure Endpoint for Suitable Extraction, I configured Endpoint in Extractor Builder to suit my business requirements, and still there are points to extract change history of issues, and to extract data by Delta Load option. Today I would like to setup regarding change history using Dependent Endpoint in Extractor Builder.

At first how do I extract change history of Planio Issue ? Again I looked at Planio Documentation and found I can get single issue with journals (meaning change history in Planio). To do this, request GET /issues/123.[json|xml] with journals to include parameter. To identify issue ID (123 part at above URI), issue list I created before is required as prerequisite. So I should at first get issue list then iterate to get journals by each issue ID.

In Celonis Extractor Builder it is possible to fullfill above by adding Dependent Endpoint. At 4 Define Endpoints screen click three dots of Endpoint issues I created before and cilck add Dependent Endpoint.

In the first step I named new Endpoint as journals. In the second step Configure Dependency, I choose id as Depends on Column. In the third step Configure Request, set {Connection.API_URL}/issues/{}.json to URL, to iterate by id of each issue. Then I add New Request Parameter include with value journals.


In the fourth step Configure Response, I determined journals as target table and click Build Response same as previous post. But this time I did not get response structure by default, so I temporarily changed {} in request URL to actual ID (e.g. 8) then I can successfully get response structure.

After saving configuration above, I would like to extract change histor data from Planio. In the extraction setting, I can see journals table is displayed under issues table, so save this update and then execute data job.



I can additionally get two tables journals and journals$details. journals table contains journal ID, event time, user ID, and relevant issue ID. On the other hand journals$details table contains changed column and old / new value of this column. These two tables are used at once like SAP CDHDR / CDPOS tables.


Next time I would like to setup to fullfill Delta Load requirement, then complete extraction setting.


See also