Count rows of Tables in various way

Counting rows of tables is frequently used so we are not aware about how to do it. But sometimes I got stuck to do it so I would like to deep dive this topic today.

For this demo case I use P2P data model and three tables, header EKKO (key columns are MANDT/EBELN), item EKPO (MANDT/EBELN/EBELP) and activity. Also I used sum of item Net value. Below screen is the result of this demo.


First test is using COUNT function in OLAP table. Counting result of EKKO/EKPO column is not good, but why ? Joining three tables affected to the result due to row duplication. In the end counting result of three tables are same, that is identical to count of Activity.

Second test is using COUNT_TABLE funciton. In this case counting result of EKKO/EKPO column is good, even I joined three tables. I guess COUNT_TABLE delete duplicated record internally, so we are easy to use COUNT_TABLE. But last column that is sum of Net value is duplicated. Why ?

Even COUNT_TABLE column is correctly working, but this OLAP table is actually used three tables. Compared with current result, I also created OLAP table without fourth column (COUNT_TABLE of Activity table). Result of Net value is correct in second case, so my guess is verified. Again, even using COUNT_TABLE target table is joined in PQL, so other columns are affected by counting table. You may read my previous post Calculate Multi Dimensional KPIs for detail of row duplication.

Third test is using COUNT DISTINCT function that calculates the number of distinct elements per group. So I concatenated table primary keys, EKKO.MANDT||EKKO.EBELN for header count, and EKPO.MANDT||EKPO.EBELN||EKPO.EBELP for item count. Counting result of three tables are good. Why ? Because I explicitly count distinct primary keys even rows of header and item tables are duplicated.

Result of last column (Net value) is duplicated too, but it is predicted. Fourth column that is counting Activity column (_CASE_KEY) is affected to duplication of Net value. To prevent it, counting Activity without joining Activity table. To do so I can use Pull up function SUM(PU_COUNT(EKPO, _CEL_P2P_ACTIVITIES_EN._CASE_KEY )) that is initially count rows of Activity table by each item, then sum up the result of each item.

In the end either COUNT_TABLE or COUNT DISTINCT is possible to correctly count rows of tables, but especially for COUNT_TABLE please be careful that target table is internally joined and that may affect to result of other columns.


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See also