Utilize N-M relationship between Activity and Dimension Tables

When you determine data model structure by yourself, basically you should follow snowflake schema writtern in Understand how Tables are joined in Data Model. From case table perspective, n side is case table, and 1 side is another dimension table. On the other hand, activity table is the first case that 1 side is case table. If you determine second dimension table that 1 side is case table, please note that you can not use both activity and that dimension table at once because those tables are N-M relationship via case table. But you can utilize these tables reducing (filtering) rows same as that of case table by Pull Up function.

For example, I would like to sum up net value of sales order that is not within a day between Ship Goods and Send Invoice that is discussed in Handle NULL efficiently in Aggregation Function. Also I would like to show net value of selected currency by dropdown button.

To do so, first I added new table VBAP_NET_VALUE to data model, that table have _CASE_KEY (sales order item), CURRENCY and NET_VALUE columns. Case table VBAP and VBAP_NET_VALUE are joind by _CASE_KEY with 1-N relationship. Below is the data model setting.


Then I create formula to filter VBAP_NET_VALUE table by CURRENCY column like below.


Finally I created single KPI to calculate net value more than a day that sum up sales order net value that if filtered by currency from dropdown button.

    KPI(net_value_by_currency,VARIABLE(<%=currency%>)) * 
    CASE WHEN KPI(within_a_day) = 1 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END   -- sum up net value only when within_a_day is false 

Below video shows the behavior when switching currency from JPY to USD, then recalculate the net value.


Unlike this example, just mimicing source system’s table structure to data model is not useful for Celonis data model I think.


See also