Handle NULL efficiently in Aggregation Function

I looked at many PQLs that can be simplified if they know about NULL handling well. Today I would like to tell how to handle NULL efficiently in Aggregation Functions (COUNT,SUM,AVG etc.).

Today I would like to use O2C process to explain my case. I determined KPI Send Invoice within a day after Ship Goods, because sales company will Ship Goods then should Send Invoice immediately.

Same as previous posts, first I would like to create OLAP table to look into the cases. As below screenshot, I determined _CASE_KEY (sales order item), Customer for classifying cases later, timestamp of Ship Goods and Send Inovice activities at first. Timestamps are extracted by PU_FIRST( VBAP, _CEL_O2C_ACTIVITIES.EVENTTIME, _CEL_O2C_ACTIVITIES.ACTIVITY_EN = 'Ship Goods') etc. Timestamp columns are NULL (displayed as -) if there is no record fullfills Pull up filter condition, that means no specific activity in that case.


Next column days between Ship and Invoice is time difference between two activities, as below PQL (This PQL is frequently used so I registered saved formula days_between_ship_and_invoice). Screenshot shows that if either of timestamps are NULL then time difference is also NULL. In other word, time difference value can only be calculated if both timestamps exists.

-- days_between_ship_and_invoice
    dd,            -- calculate time difference as day
        _CEL_O2C_ACTIVITIES.ACTIVITY_EN = 'Ship Goods'
        _CEL_O2C_ACTIVITIES.ACTIVITY_EN = 'Send Invoice'

The last column Within a day (it is also registered as within_a_day formula) is judging if time difference is less than 1 day by PQL CASE WHEN KPI(days_between_ship_and_invoice) < 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END. If days_between_ship_and_invoice is NULL, then comparing result between days_between_ship_and_invoice and 1 is also NULL.

To summarize above discussion, within_a_day formula returns

  • 1 if both activities exists and time difference is less than 1 day
  • 0 if both actiivties exists and time difference is more than 1 day
  • NULL if either activity is not found

Next step is to group Within a day column (dimension) by Customer using aggregation functions.

  • Invoice Count : COUNT(KPI(within_a_day)) ignores NULL record and count the rest of record.
  • Within a day Count : SUM(KPI(within_a_day)) ignores NULL record and sum up the rest of record.
  • Within a day Ratio : AVG(KPI(within_a_day)) is same as SUM(KPI(within_a_day)) / COUNT(KPI(within_a_day)), ignoring NULL record count from denominator (COUNT) and calculate avarage of the rest of record.

Especially for calculating ratio (AVG) you need to take care denominator (COUNT). Below screenshot shows example of one Customer that have 16 record including 6 NULL record, so denominator of ratio is 10.


In this series of calculation I assume that I can ignore the case that does not have Send Invoice. If I think differently that no Send Invoice means forgetting to send invoice, of cource it takes more than 1 day and include Ratio calculation.

To implement this considering NULL handling, I will minimumly change days_between_ship_and_invoice formula to set default value (today) instead of NULL as below PQL. Below screenshot is the result of this PQL change, changing denominator from 10 to 13.

        _CEL_O2C_ACTIVITIES.ACTIVITY_EN = 'Ship Goods'
    COALESCE(       -- set default value if PU_FIRST result is NULL
            _CEL_O2C_ACTIVITIES.ACTIVITY_EN = 'Send Invoice'),
        TODAY()     -- default value is today



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See also