Understand how Tables are joined in Data Model

In the Understand Difference between Dimension and KPI post, I mentioned that Columns used as dimensions and KPIs are inplicitly joined based on data model, but I did not mention how to join tables in data model. Today I would like to say about it.

Celonis Data Model support snowflake schema that consists of multiple tables, each table pair join as 1:N relationship. Normally activity table is top of N side and dimension tables including case table are bottom of 1 side as pyramid hierarchy.

From here, I used part of Account Payable data model. First I look at the relationship between Vendor Master table LFA1 (1 side) and Accounting document item table BSEG (N side).

When I used both LFA1 and BSEG tables in PQL, BSEG (N side) tables is left joined with LFA1 (1 side) by join key (Vendor code of two tables). Same as standard SQL function, left join keeps all record of BSEG and relevant LFA1 record. This means Vendor that is not used in Accounting document are not displayed in the output of PQL. It is not possible to switch left side of table by PQL.

Below screenshot shows comparison between PQL of single table LFA1 (blue part) and that of join tables LFA1-BSEG (red part). I used filter by Vendor name to easily distinguish the difference. Even blue part shows 755 vendor count , red part only shows 6 vendor count because N side BSEG record only have 6 vendors. When I set up count of BSEG table, those value are always non-zero value. Because of above join functionality, e.g. it is not possible to display vendor 0000308885 has 0 count of BSEG table.


As second example, I looked at relationship between Purchase Order Item table EKPO, Vendor Invoice Item table RSEG, and Accounting document item table BSEG (EKPO is 1 side and BSEG is N side). Accounting document item may have Vendor Invoice number, and Vendor Invoice item may have Purchase Order number. Using these three tables in PQL, because BSEG is the N side, all record of BSEG are kept, but some of BSEG record does not have RSEG record. Also some of RSEG record does not have EKPO record.

Below screenshot shows OLAP table to see BSEG count that can connect with RSEG and EKPO record respectively. As mentioned, all BSEG record can be seen in OLAP table (600,941 = 312,293 + 127,869 + 160,779).


By the way, first and second record of EKPO.MANDT value - is not NULL value like standard SQL left join result (it is ambiguous that NULL value is also displayed as -). As proof, this value cannot be used for filtering condition as below screenshot (total count is changed to 0 after filtering). This - means “Not evaluated” because no EKPO record exists in this case. Take care that PQL function using this record returns “Not evaluated” too (on the other hand NULL value can be handled by ISNULL function or IS NULL predicate).


To summarize, join behaviors in data model are

  • Always N side is the left side of left join
    • If N side table record missing, 1 side table record are disappeared.
    • If 1 side table record missing, N side table record remains and 1 side table record is “Not evaluated” (different from NULL value).


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See also