Use Pull up function as Subquery

In the last post Determine First Time Right by Pull up function, I broke down PQL of FTR step by step. Today I will explain more complex KPI in similar way. By the way you may know Subquery that enables to pass result of SQL to parts of another SQL. PQL can also do similar things by Pull up function.

In this post, for example I would like to calculate Average rework count after Delivery in Order to Cash process, and definition of rework is same as previous post. I imagine that rework operation after Delivery operation causes more time loss than rework before Delivery, so that I would like to visualize this KPI.

First step is to determine when Delivery is started in each case key (sales order item), so I introduced Pull up function PU_FIRST as below. It returns first record by grouping key, with filter condition as option. Below function returns EVENTTIME column of first record of Generate Delivery Document activity by each sales order item.

    VBAP,                                                           -- grouping key (sales order item)
    _CEL_O2C_ACTIVITIES.EVENTTIME,                                  -- returning column
    _CEL_O2C_ACTIVITIES.ACTIVITY_EN = 'Generate Delivery Document', -- filter condition
    ORDER BY _CEL_O2C_ACTIVITIES.EVENTTIME                          -- sorting column

Second step is to determine rework activities after Delivery. It is decomposed to rework definition and comparison of timestamp. PQL using CASE statement is below. Point is using result of PU_FIRST as comparator of >=. One more consideration is using COALESCE to set default value if Delivery is not happened yet.

    WHEN 1=1                                                    -- always true, just for formatting reason
        AND _CEL_O2C_ACTIVITIES.ACTIVITY_EN LIKE 'Change %'     -- rework definition 
        AND _CEL_O2C_ACTIVITIES.EVENTTIME >= COALESCE(PU_FIRST( -- after Delivery timestamp (result of PU_FIRST)
            _CEL_O2C_ACTIVITIES.ACTIVITY_EN = 'Generate Delivery Document',
        ),{d '9999-12-31'})                                     -- default value if Delivery not found
    THEN 1
    ELSE 0

Below screenshot is the result of applying above two PQLs to sample case 1217437. Generate Delivery Document is the third record so timestamp of third record is set to Delivery EVENTTIME column. After Delivery there are three activity record started from Change so these record have 1 in Rework after Delivery column.


The last step is counting Rework activity by PU_COUNT function, below is the PQL. I feel PU_FIRST function is similar to SQL Subquery applying to WHERE clause.

        VBAP,                                                       -- grouping key (sales order item)
        _CEL_O2C_ACTIVITIES.ACTIVITY_EN,                            -- counting column
        1=1                                                         -- filter condition same as above CASE condition
                _CEL_O2C_ACTIVITIES.ACTIVITY_EN = 'Generate Delivery Document',
            ),{d '9999-12-31'})                         

Final result screenshot is as below (hiding other columns except for case key). Above sample case 1217437 has 3 in rework count column. Single KPI value 0.03 is the result of AVG function of rework count.



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See also