About this site


Hello, I am Kazuhiko Takata, called Kaz. I am working as freelance consultant from 2005, especially technical expert of SAP and Celonis. Please see my LinkedIn profile if you are interested.


I would like to share what I learned to catch up latest Celonis technical topics and finally become Celonis Data Engineer. When I started Celonis career in 2019, I developed Celonis programs from scratch to analyze SAP process. So I had hard time to find references of multiple areas one by one. I am glad if this blog is helpful for anyone who would like to quickly catch up Celonis skills , also I hope Celonis process mining become popular analysis technique in the future.

Celonis and SAP combinaton is popular in process mining area, but I feel it is quite difficult for SAP consultant to become expert of Celonis, also Celonis consultant to become expert of SAP. SAP consultants are quite familiar with complex data model of SAP and development language ABAP, so they are quite busy to catch up skills of other systems. On the other hand, Celonis is the famous process mining solution and Celonis can easily extract SAP data and start analysis, but Celonis consultants are not always familiar with SAP data model.

I will mainly explain Celonis topic with minimum SAP knowledge, so who do not experience SAP is also useful I believe.


I developed sample programs for this post under Celonis Training Envioronment. You can download my program in this blog and upload to your environment by content-CLI - see this post for details.


Copyright (c) 2021 Kazuhiko Takata

Programs under this blog are licensed under the MIT License - see LICENSE file for details.